The knocks

To start my journal accounts of the whirlwind of experiences I have had in my life, I need to start the story in the middle.
It was April of 2015. Married and living alone with my husband, dog and two cats, I awoke to a strange tapping noise coming from the corner of the house. The sound almost reminded me of a very loud dripping noise coming from the gutter--only that it hadn't rained in several days. I continued to listen to the noise to see if I could understand where it was resonating from--I didn't, but I did notice a star outside that night that caught my attention. I'm not sure how I noticed it, or what drew my attention at the time, but I noticed it was (fairly) stationary. It kind of flickered a red, blue, green sequence but in a sparkling fashion. I also noticed it was doing a bobbing motion. Never a precise or calculated moment. It would kind of bob and flutter around, then zip a few miles in one direction and continue the same bobbing motion there. 
Fascinated, I continued to watch this thing for what was probably over an hour. I even went so far as to mark a dot on the window to see how far it moved in such a short amount of time. I was captivated with watching it. I eventually grew tired and wandered back to bed.
The next few days, I noticed the same light was back in relatively the same spot and I began watching it for a little while each night. Around the 4th night or so, the light was gone and would only re-appear at random.
I can't help but think, this was a bit of a wake-up call to a lifetime of events that was about to slowly, and intensely unravel.


The Wake Up Announcement.

This was the first documented account I had-thanks to Facebook. Since then, I have kept a dated journal of the accounts as they began happening at a fierce rate.
This particular night, I was driving back with my boyfriend (now husband) when we  were just driving over this overpass. I noticed there were several amber-red spheres WAY up in the sky. Possibly 7-10, I didn't get a good count of how many there were. I hesitated as my windshield was a little smeared from a bad attempt at cleaning it the previous day. I mentioned seeing them to my boyfriend and he definitely saw them too.
As much as I wanted to stop and look, I wasn't in an area where I could safely pull over. By the time we reached the bottom of the overpass, there was only one light remaining in the sky. I kept looking back on it until we reached our destination. As we entered the bar, there was the one light still remaining.
It was odd watching them as they disappeared. It wasn't as if they dimmed out of view, or even really blinked out. They just disappeared so quickly you didn't have time to see it happen. I had the feeling at the time, that they were really still there, even though I could no longer see them.
Once we entered the bar for an after-dinner drink, I quickly took to Facebook and posted "Did anyone else see those strange lights over the city?".  I had one high school friend who posted about also seeing them blink out. He was the only other reported person who saw them aside from my boyfriend and I.
Aside from the experience being my first (to my knowledge) experience of seeing a true-to-the-description "U.F.O.", my thoughts during the whole experience were "Oh no..I was just getting past all of this"...

This is a collection of the odd events that characterize my life.

The knocks To start my journal accounts of the whirlwind of experiences I have had in my life, I need to start the story in the middle....