The start of my story...

I'm just a small town girl, I live a seemingly normal life as it would seem. I work full time as a designer, I have a loving husband and a wonderful son. One trustworthy companion, my pup and two cats. A picture perfect life. All completely & wonderfully generic.

With one MAJOR exception.

I have been dealing with a lifetime of high-strangeness.

It's hard for me to say when all of this began exactly. In fact, to tell the story more accurately, I kind of have to start my story in the middle.

Beginning sometime around April of 2015 I had what can only be described as a barrage of syncronicities, vivid dreams, night terrors and in general, a boat-load of weirdness.

I think at this point, this was what some might describe it as a waking point, or 'coming to' to events that have been challenging me for most of my lifetime. Looking back, I think this came at a point where I was ready to understand them and to try and take an active look into parts of my life that I keep so hidden from most everyone, myself included.

I understand as much as anyone else, anything relating to 'fringe' topics is generally off of the table. In fact, it's usually stored in some dusty, forgotten about closet somewhere. Buried deep behind a bunch of boxes and that sweater your grandma knitted you several Christmases ago.

Back in 2015, when my 'occurrences' reached a level high peak, I felt undeniably crazy. Except, I wasn't. When stuff like this happens to a 'normal person', it throws that person out of their comfort zone. Their life, as much as they knew it before, is now a thing of the past. The paradigm has been broken. I became broken.

In fact, I was broken. I had a confrontation with a family member during that time that left me broken, my life derailed and my soul left to wonder what to do next. I somehow reached the low, murky depths that was a very raw soul. In that time, I was able to take a step back. To realize how much of a pompous person I'd become. Somehow, through this interaction, it grounded me almost. Knocked me off of my high-horse as some would say. And, as much as it broke my soul going through this at this time, it made me aware that I needed to choose another path.

Coincidentally, that path, chose me. Maybe it even revealed it's self and was there the whole time.

I know at this point, this may seem like a bunch of vague rambling, and trust me, it probably is. But it's a quick reference to the behind the scenes of how this new path in life came to be. I'm sure I'll probably go a little more in-depth as the stories come out, but this is just a quick snip-it to how it all happened.

I think it's important to include this information. I think when people look into the topics of UFOs or Bigfoot, etc. and people's encounters with them, too often they only want the facts. Cold, hard facts. Nobody every asks, "what was going on in your life when this occurred?". Honestly, I think that's where we should start looking. I think somehow, who these people are could speak volumes on this subject.

For me, I'd reached a pivotal point in my life. It wasn't so much what happened to me at that time as much as it affected me. After the confrontation, I was at first angry, resentful and VERY bitter. But, something happened that almost stole my attention off of this very subject. Things started happening in my life. Things that had me questioning everything. In a way, it became a distraction from the things that where bothering me in my life, which was nice. But it also lead me to a point of discovering a much larger part of myself. It almost opened me up, as if I needed to be broke down to my core to discover the path to something bigger, something more important.

This is a collection of the odd events that characterize my life.

The knocks To start my journal accounts of the whirlwind of experiences I have had in my life, I need to start the story in the middle....